"Privatsphären" / “Private Spheres” is on display -- October 7-21
For a view, please, make an appointment
Rearte Gallery
Spiesshammergasse 4
1120 Wien
Tel: +43 (0) 664 73753708
Gallery hours: by appointment
Two years ago, Adrian Bayreuther invited us to form a group with the goal of helping each other with exhibitions and other related activities. Thus, The 3rd Paradigm, a group composed of 5 international artists was born. Already, after one year of activity, we've had our exhibition schedule expand exponentially. Each member has contributed to the best of his abilitiy. I personally dreamt about having an exhibition in Vienna, since I lived there some time ago. This is my favorite city. So I started searching the Internet for artists' opportunities in Vienna. I located the Rearte Gallery website and contacted Abd Masoud, the gallery owner and its artist-in-residence. It became immediately clear that our art, expectations, and personalities fit in well with the general line of the Gallery written on the Rearte gallery Website: "Art knows no borders, no barriers, no religions, and no age or sex limitation. Art is there to build bridges that connect nations and melt the cultural diversity into one pot to create a universal language - the language of art." I invited a friend of mine, an American artist who lives in Vienna and creates fantastic abstract art- Frank Ettenberg- to join our exhibition and to be a local coordinator for this project. Through Frank, we get to know and invited Harriette Lawler, an amazing sculptor. In addition to her artistic talents, Harriette turned out to have extensive experience in curating exhibitions and publishing. The book "Privatsphären" ('Private Spheres'), published by Chao Fia Contemporary, via blurb.com in 2011, is her "baby". Abd actively participated in making our exhibition beautiful, complete and well-publicized by the news-media. He invited an additional Austrian sculptor, Gerti Hopf, and the Vice-President of the Austrian Picture-Artists' Association, Elisabeth Ledersberger-Lehoczky to introduce our group at the Vernissage. As a result of all these year-long collective efforts, we had a very successful and enjoyable opening on October 7th, 2011. It's also worth mentioning, that all this happened because of recent technological developments: The Internet, Facebook, artists' web sites, Skype...It would have been almost impossible without having had these connection tools to organize and coordinate such a big, but at the same time, "private" project. And, without the Internet, we wouldn't have gotten to know each other! Artists are no longer confined to their studios !
Olga Dmytrenko
No longer confined to my studio I’m now able to view artwork and connect to my colleagues everywhere. Congratulations!
Thanks Matt, this is so true!
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